Cereal Box Guessing Game
A physical cereal box prop was the wireless "controller" to rotate a virtual cereal box on-screen. Users would speak their guess as to how many pieces of cereal were in the box until they guessed correctly.
Created in Notch Builder + TouchDesigner using Whisper, a Raspberry Pi, accelerometer, and tiny microphone.
Collaborators were J Scherrer, Shelly Boehm, and Nathan Mysona.
Body tracking in Unreal
Using a Kinect Azure, Touchdesigner, and OSC communication, I built the blueprints that would track a person's body movements in J Scherrer's Faewyld scene.
J programmed a mythical sprite to float around the invisible tracked objects in Unreal to make it seem like the sprite was following the person inside of the volume.
Editorial Photoshoot Toolkit
A user-adjustable particle system aimed to create real-time backgrounds for editorial photoshoots. The system can be changed based on a UI downloaded to their mobile device and changes are communicated wirelessly over OSC.
Color, shape, and position can be altered with simple sliders and buttons to accommodate the photographer's vision.
Projection Mapping on Painting
I made a 2D painting appear 3D with interactive light using Touchdesigner's KantanMapper. The light's color and direction were able to be changed by the user.
Idle movement programming was completed by Cody Luketic.
Light-Sensitive Particle System
Using an Arduino with TouchDesigner, the amount of light exposed to the sensor informs the scale of the particle system.